
The preliminary schedule is the following:

  • 8:30 Registration opens

  • 9:00 Introduction to Laconic Cryptography
             Giulio Malvolta
  • 9:30 Attribute-Based Encryption for Circuits of Unbounded Depth from Lattices: Garbled Circuits of Optimal Size, Laconic Function Evaluation, and More
             Rachel Lin (Keynote Talk)

  • 10:30 Coffee break

  • 11:00 CCA Security via Hinting PRGs
                Venkata Koppula
  • 11:30 Laconic Function Evaluation for Branching Programs
                Mohammad Hajiabadi
  • 12:00 Batched Threshold Encryption with Applications to Mempool Privacy
                Guru Vamsi Policharla

  • 12:30 Lunch break

  • 13:30 Removing Trust Assumptions from Advanced Encryption Schemes
                David Wu (Keynote Talk)
  • 14:30 Replacing Full Homomorphism with Laconic Structure (or, Trapdoor Hash Functions and Their Many Applications)
                Tamer Mour

  • 15:00 Coffee break

  • 15:30 The Communication Complexity of Oblivious Transfer
                Pedro Branco
  • 16:00 Rate-1 Non-Interactive Zero-knowledge without Lattices
                Akshayaram Srinivasan
  • 16:30 Beyond Garbling: Efficient Advanced Encryption Schemes without Trusted Authority
                Dimitris Kolonelos

  • 17:00 End of day (we’ll have to clear the entire building around 17:30)

Coffee and lunch breaks will be joint with the other EUROCRYPT 2024 affiliated workshops.